
The ultimate customer experience in a phygital world: how to combine physical and digital experiences (in FR)

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We live in a phygital world. What does that mean, you ask? It means that our interactions in the world are both physical and digital. The days of purely physical or purely digital interactions are gone.

In order to be successful, businesses need to develop a Customer Experience strategy that incorporates both physical and digital interactions. In this blog post, we will discuss what phygital customer experience is and how to create an effective strategy for your business!

What is phygital customer experience?

Phygital customer experience is the combination of physical and digital interactions. It refers to the way in which customers interact with businesses through both physical and digital channels. In order to be successful, businesses need to develop a Customer Experience strategy that incorporates both physical and digital interactions.

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Why is phygital customer experience important?

Offering a phygital experience allows businesses to meet and interact with customers, where they live, in the most efficient way for them to interact. Customers no longer interact with businesses through a single channel, they constantly navigate among physical and digital channels in their daily life and they expect to be able to do the same with their interactions with any Businesses or product. So, it is a Must Have for a Business to offer its clients to meet them in both worlds, with the same level of effectiveness, with the same interaction quality, in entire consistence. Offering a Phygital customer experience actually helps creating a frictionless experience for customers, a key success factor ! And this goes beyond the pure buying experience.

How can businesses create an effective phygital customer experience strategy?

When it comes to developing a phygital customer experience plan, there are a few things to bear in mind :

Customer needs should be at the center of the strategy. Businesses need to understand what customers want and need from both physical and digital interactions ;

The strategy should be omnichannel. Omnichannel means that businesses need to provide a consistent experience across all channels. This includes everything from the website to social media to in-store experiences ;

– The strategy should be data-driven. Businesses need to collect data from both physical and digital interactions and use it to improve the customer experience ;

The strategy should be flexible. Businesses need to be able to adapt their phygital customer experience strategy as customer needs change ;

Creating a phygital customer experience strategy is not an easy task, but it is necessary for businesses to be successful in today’s world. By understanding customer needs and using data to drive decision-making, businesses can create a strategy that meets customers where they are and provides them with a seamless and integrated experience.

For more information on phygital customer experience, please contact us.


What are the benefits of phygital for the consumer experience?

1. A fast and consistent user experience

Consumers are looking for unique and privileged experiences and approaches because they are increasingly demanding. As we said above, it is vital for your business to couple digital channels and physical outlets. Integrate this into your strategies and your business will not risk losing customers along the way during their buying journey.

It has been found that 78% of companies with an omnichannel strategy have a higher customer satisfaction rate.

2. A personalized and satisfying user experience

Consumers prefer brands that offer them the right product at the right time. They want a personalized shopping experience and expect your company to make an effort to create a bond of proximity and exchange. To do this, don’t hesitate to use CRM software and collect precise data in order to better know your audience and communicate with your customers.

3. A simple user experience

Adopt a phygital strategy to be present on all fronts. This will simplify the transition to purchase for your customers. For example, you can set up a personalized physical visit in store, fast payment, multiple purchase method opportunities, easy product returns, online order pick-up points, etc.


Watch an expert roundtable on the customer experience challenges of today and tomorrow

Phygital customer experience was one of the topics adressed in a round table discussion organised for SAP with the cooperation of Delaware, Deloitte, Flexso and Ordina.

In this video, three experts presented the customer experience challenges of today and tomorrow:

  1. Soufian Hadouch, Director of Solutions Delivery at VOO,
  2. Tom Vermeirsch, Chief Commercial Officer at AMP, and
  3. Reynald Lemaire, Managing Partner at Anais Digital

By: Anais Team