
Skills needed software developer

The 7 skills needed to be a great Software Developer in 2023

In today’s IT job market, the demand for software developers (or software engineers) is extremely high. Whether you are just starting out or have already begun working in software development, we invite you to discover (or rediscover) the 7 key skills needed to be a great software developer.

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Design System : why do you need one in 2023? 

A design system is a solution that allows you to save time and increase productivity while keeping your digital products consistent. In this article, we explain what a design system is, the advantages associated with it and how to create an efficient version adapted to your company.

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Anais Digital Joins JEMS  

Anais Digital is delighted to join JEMS, the European Big Data expert and leading data industrialist in Europe. 

This merger will allow Anais to progressively enrich its UX, DEV, Innovation, and Change services with the power of the data delivered by JEMS and to benefit directly from the support of an international structure.

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