“He who hunts many hares, catches none”: does this adage speak to you? We sometimes think that efficiency rhymes with speed, but it is often the opposite.
For budgetary reasons, lack of information or visibility, project leaders tend to take the easy way out or to want to go too fast.
In this episode, Christophe Jouret, partner at Anaïs Digital, explains the importance of validating your immediately available resources and taking a step back from your digital project.
You will learn:
How to identify immediately available resources?
What are the advantages of taking a step back on the project?
Why speed is not a guarantee for the success of the project?
(00:34) “For reasons of budget, speed, lack of information, lack of visibility, project leaders often tend to choose solutions that are immediately available to them. This is the right approach”;
(01:26) “When we don’t validate that these immediately available resources allow us to reach our objectives, we sometimes forget to take a step back” ;
(02:53) “Never hesitate to give a role to someone to identify and look at or make sure that the project team can take a little bit of height, a little bit of distance”.
(05:15) “Organizing exchanges and meetings between different project leaders allows the business cultures to mix and absorb each other”.
Take a step back to not limit your approach in digital projects
1. Use the resources available immediately
Often, project owners don’t have available resources validated immediately. It is this mistake that limits your approach in your projects and prevents you from reaching your objectives. These resources are multiple: information, documentation, human resources, budgets.
2. Step back to evaluate opportunities
A ton of resources are often under your nose. When you don’t take a step back, you think they are difficult to reach or non-existent. Yet they are right there in front of you. Press pause and list your needs.
3. Speed does not guarantee success
Getting your nose out of the way will allow you to find a faster way to reach your goals and remember that going fast does not necessarily mean going far. That’s why it’s necessary not to go fast and to identify all the opportunities that are offered to you.
Full transcript:
Hello Christophe Jouret, partner of Anaïs Digital and entrepreneur in digital for about 20 years. I’m here to share with you my experience and some anecdotes on how to succeed in digital projects and avoid the pitfalls.
Today, I want to talk to you about a characteristic that can be found in both large organizations and startups. It is the fact of limiting one’s approach, of limiting oneself to the use of immediately available resources.
For reasons of budget, speed, lack of information, lack of visibility, project leaders often tend to choose solutions that are immediately available to them. In some cases, this is the right approach. Especially when we have taken the time to validate that these immediately available solutions will allow us to reach the objectives that we have set for the project or the objectives that we want to reach more specifically for one part of the project.
On the other hand, in a certain number of cases, the project leaders will only validate these immediately available resources. And when I talk about resources, I mean information, documentation, human resources, budgets, so all the resources that make up a digital project.
Well, when we don’t validate that these immediately available resources allow us to reach our objectives, we sometimes forget to look for other resources that are there, not so much more complicated to reach, but that we don’t see because we have our nose in the air.
So the advice here is clear: when you use resources, whatever they are, validate that these resources are the right ones to achieve the goals you want to reach with your digital project and if you find that you need additional resources. Don’t be afraid, take a step back and you’ll see that other resources will quickly help you reach your goals.
Afterwards, the idea is also to be pragmatic and to give you a little advice on how to gain height. Taking the high ground is to organize moments on a recurring basis on projects that are moments where you give yourself the opportunity to take a little bit of a high ground and see if the fastest path is the one with the obvious resources or if, in fact, you can get a more efficient path with resources that are not directly in front of you, but that you can easily find as soon as you take that little moment of distance.
So, plan for those moments where we can step back eventually. Let’s never hesitate, in projects, to give a role to someone to identify and look at or to make sure that the project team can take a little bit of height, a little bit of distance. It’s an easy role to take. It’s someone who is a little bit less engaged in the day to day, but reminds everyone, everyone that being nose to the grindstone. It’s not the best way to achieve our goals.
It reminds everyone that stopping to land is a way to achieve goals and that speed is not always a guarantee of success. Even if, as a good follower of the methodology, a start up, for me, speed is a fundamental element of the success of digital projects.
You have a question about a digital or entrepreneurial project? Write to us at nowaste@anais.digital
Voice : Christophe Jouret
Production: Antidote.
Crédits : Anais Digital.